What Is a Lab Pack?

A “lab pack” is an accumulation of unwanted or obsolete chemicals that range in size from less than 2 ml to 5 gallons and placed…

Lab Packing & Disposal

Rader Environmental Creates Efficient Lab Pack Solutions Businesses, schools, universities, academic institutions, manufacturing companies, industrial facilities, healthcare institutions/hospitals, and other entities are the types of…

Rader Environmental Services

WHAT WE DO A Leader in Environmental Services Hazardous Waste Management News Environmental solutions, news and updates EPA, Green Living, hazardous waste disposal, Sustainability 24…

About Us

Hazardous Waste Removal and Sustainability Experts Rader Environmental Services, Inc. specializes in hazardous waste removal and disposal for organizations of all sizes, including corporations, the government and nonprofits. We focus on providing sustainable solutions to all of our clients and offer the option of chemical recycling as often as possible. For over 30 years, we [...]